Městská nemocnice Ostrava - The Ostrava city hospital

Granuldisk solution at Městská nemocnice Ostrava led to 51% water saving

The Ostrava City Hospital was officially opened in 1898 and until 1918 it was called the Public Hospital of Emperor Franz Joseph in Moravian Ostrava. The original capacity was 190 beds. Today, this hospital is one of the largest hospitals in its region.

The hospital belongs to one of the most highly regarded employers in the region, who strive to provide high food safety standards and the best quality services to patients including catering for both patients and employees.

Ostrava City Hospital serves 1400 meals each day and was helped by adding a Granule Maxi pot washer to their kitchen.

With the pot washer from Granuldisk, we can now delegate one of our kitchen staff to other tasks. The new washing center gives significant savings in water, detergent, and electricity. Last but not least, it has improved our working environment.

Petr Hikl - Head of Medical Nutrition, Ostrava City Hospital, Czech Republic
Quote Images Peter Hikl2
Quote Images Metska Ostrava

Most microorganisms thrive at a neutral pH, and that is why bacteria can survive in sinks for more than 6 hours.

Ulrika Ahnfelt Gran - Product Manager, Granuldisk
Quotes Image 529X356 Ulrika Lecturing About Sanitizing Or Cleaning

The situation before

Soaking and manual pot washing in sinks and daily consumption of 2,513 litres of water.

In the kitchen, the Gastronorm containers were prewashed manually in two sinks and then rinsed in a dishwasher where the final sanitation of the wash ware was performed. The cooking utensils were washed by the staff manually. This procedure was obsolete and
wasted time, water, chemicals, and energy.

The water consumption was measured before the pot and pan washer from Granuldisk was installed in order to establish a baseline for the comparison.


The situation after

Washing in a Granule Maxi, running on average 36 wash cycles/day and using only 1,240 litres of water a day - a 51% water-saving in the pot wash process.

Today they run their new Granule Maxi® about 36 wash cycles with GN containers each day. With less than half the amount of water, chemicals, and energy consumed daily, the savings are substantial.

Another additional benefit is that less staff now is needed in the washing up area. Tough pre-washing in the sinks is a thing of the past. Without the need for soaking and scrubbing one of the kitchen staff perform other tasks instead.

Before, the manual pre-washing routine in sinks, could be managed in 8 hours. Today this is easily solved in 5 hours with completely sanitised wash ware as a result.


* Consumption calculated from water consumption


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