Checklist for better ergonomics
Quick-guide to identify risks in your ware washing area
We have made this list as a helping guide for you to use when identifying some of the most crucial risks, so you can make an action plan to abolish them.
(Inspired by the new Swedish law (Belastningsergonomi (AFS 2012:2)).

1. Is the floor:
a.) uneven, hard to stand on, or slippery?
b) are there thresholds, level differences, or other obstacles?

2. Is the space limiting the natural range of motion required for the task?
3. Is the working height poorly adapted to the task and/or body size of the person performing the task?

4. Is there a place to sit if employees need to rest?

5. Is the staff’s back repeatedly or for a long period kept:
a.) bent forward, backward, or sideways?
b.) twisted?

6. Is the staff’s necks repeatedly or for a long period kept:
a.) bent forward, backward, or sideways?
b.) twisted?
c.) simultaneously bent and twisted?

7. Does repetitive work involving the forearm and hand occur with:
a.) rotational movements?
b.) static grip?
c.) uncomfortable grips

8. Is there long-term or recurring work with:
a.) repetition of the same work movements?
b.) with repetition of the same work movements outside convenient reach?

9. Is there access to technology that could improve ergonomics in the ware washing area?
Technology could be a salvation for the staff and prevent injuries and strains on the body. Innovations like Granule Technology™ from Granuldisk lets the Granules make the hard work inside the machine and minimizes the ergonomic risks and repetitive work. Receive clean and sanitized ware washing results as well as healthier ware washing staff.